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This knowledgebase article will show you how to setup your SteamVR Trackers to track the position and rotation of StretchSense Studio gloves in space. It is intended for users and VTubers who have Valve Base Station 2.0 units and no VR headset who wish to use SteamVR compatible trackers such as HTC Vive or Tundra Trackers for body tracking in software like Warudo.

For this guide we will mostly use Tundra Trackers as these provide a good balance between tracking accuracy, physical footprint and battery life compared with other SteamVR compatible trackers. You can optionally mix other trackers for head tracking, but we recommend using the same tracker type for tracking your hand positions.


  1. Download and install the Steam Desktop client and SteamVR.

  2. Start SteamVR, right-click on your head mounted tracker and click Manage Trackers (see image below).

    Screenshot 2024-06-11 142748.pngImage Removed
  3. In the Steam VR settings select Manage Trackers (see below)

    Screenshot 2024-05-23 140815.pngImage Removed
  4. Set the Tracker Role to Camera. Click Close and also close SteamVR Settings.

    Screenshot 2024-06-11 142648.pngImage Removed


  1. Close the StretchSense App for SteamVR if it is open already.

  2. Start SteamVR


  1. and connect the Vive tracker and dongle you want to use for head tracking. Make note of the name and serial number that shows up in the


  1. SteamVR status window (e.g. LHR-4B07E0F2) as you’ll need this later to identify it in the SteamVR System Report.

  2. Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\steamvr.vrsettings in a text editor.

  3. Add "activateMultipleDrivers" : true, "forcedDriver": "null", to near the top of the steamvr section of your steamvr.vrsettings config file and save the file. This is needed to force the NULL driver to be on and use the above tracker in place of a real HMD.

Code Block
  "steamvr" : {
   "activateMultipleDrivers" : true,
  "forcedDriver": "null",
  "allowAsyncReprojection" : false,
  "allowInterleavedReprojection" : false,
  "allowSupersampleFiltering" : false,
  "enableHomeApp" : false,
  "mirrorViewGeometry" : "1387 675 2272 1270",
  "showMirrorView" : true
  1. Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers\null\resources\settings\default.vrsettings in a text editor.

  2. Secondly Set "enable" : true under driver_null to enable the null driver and save the file.

Code Block
"driver_null" : {
	"enable" : true,
	"serialNumber" : "Null Serial Number", 
	"modelNumber" : "Null Model Number",
	"windowX" : 0,
	"windowY" : 0,
	"windowWidth" : 1920,
	"windowHeight" : 1080,
	"renderWidth" : 1920,
	"renderHeight" : 1060,
	"secondsFromVsyncToPhotons" : 0.01111111,
	"displayFrequency" : 60.0
  1. Start SteamVR, right-click on your head mounted tracker and click Manage Trackers (see image below).


  1. In the Steam VR settings select Manage Trackers (see below)


  1. Set the Tracker Role to Camera. Click Close and also close SteamVR Settings.



By default, this assumes the tracker is front facing; if you have it mounted to the back of your head you will need to adjust the offsets for the tracker in your animation software, so the character’s head faces the correct direction.

  1. With SteamVR running, go to the SteamVR status window, open the menu and click Create System Report.

    Screenshot 2025-01-22 150825.pngImage Added
  2. In the Devices tab, find the SteamVR ID of the tracker that matches the one that will be strapped to your head. E.g /devices/htc/vive_trackerLHR-xxxxxxxx for HTC VIVE Trackers or /devices/lighthouse/LHR-xxxxxxxx for Tundra Trackers. Take note of the path and ID as this will be used in subsequent steps.

  3. Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\steamvr.vrsettings in a text editor.

  4. Add the new section below to steamvr.vrsettings called TrackingOverrides, replacing vive_trackerLHR-xxxxxxxx with the serial number and name of the Tundra tracker you are using for your head, found in step. This will force the head mounted tracker to be used as the HMD tracking point.

    Code Block
    "TrackingOverrides" : {    
         "/devices/lighthouse/LHR-xxxxxxxx" : "/user/head" 


When using Vive Trackers instead of Tundra Trackers the device path is /devices/htc/vive_trackerLHR-xxxxxxxx.




Publish Date (YYYY/MM/DD)

  • Minor fix to instruction numbering

  • Add steps for running the SteamVR System Report



Update instruction order



Initial version.

